Basic Concepts Of Internet
Each computer that has a permanent IP address, runs Server software and offers information to clients, is considered to be a Physical Domain i.e. a place (domain) where information is available.
The Physical Domain
All Internet Servers are connected to the Internet via an Internet Gateway. An Internet gateway is usually provided by one of the global networking giants that have setup these gateways. These networking giants are the companies who have spent enormous sums of money to set up the physical networks that circle the globe.
These physical networks are called the Internet Blackbone. The Internet backbone is a heterogeneous mix of networking technologies, which have been successfully implemented and currently fully operational.The networking giants are companies like British Telecom, Hyundai, AT&T etc.
InterNIC, a quasi goverment body in the U.S.A registers and issues Internet Servers thair unique IP addresses.
InterNIC also authorizes organizations in other countries to issue IP addresses. In India, NCST (National center of Software Technology) a quasi goverment body is authorized to issue permanent IP addresses. This really means that the Internet Server must be located within India.
Registering A Virtual Domain With InterNIC
Log onto an InterNIC Server. Fill up a registeration from online. Pay the two-year registration fee to InterNIC. This registers a virtual domain with InterNIC.
Detailed Registeration will ask for information like Personal Details, Billing Contact Information, Technical Contact Information, and Administrative Contact Information and so on.
When a company registers a virtual domain name with InterNIC, InterNIC requires a unique IP address to be specified. The unique IP address specified, is generally the IP address of the Internet server, which will host the Virtual Domain.
InterNIC's address is
- InterNIC will scan its registered database to ensure that the domain name is unique.
- If the name is unique, InterNIC will inform the registring company or individual that its registration has been accepted.
- Once the Domain name is registered the registering company has 30 days within which payment has to be made to InterNIC for the registration. Once registered, the Domain registration is valid for 2 years. After a two year period the registration must be renewed or the registration lapses.
- If the name is not unique, the registration is rejected and InterNIC will inform the company the registeration has been rejected due to the Domain name being dublicate.