The SWAGAT initiative of the Government of Gujarat was started in 2003, It is an innovative concept that enables direct communication between the citizens and the Chief Minister, as also between the citizens and other functionaries of the Government. The fourth Thursday of every month is designated as SVVAGAT day, wherein the highest office in administration attends to the grievances of the common man
There is a three-tier grievance redressal system under SWAGAT - at State, District andTaluka levels. It is nowextended to thevillage level also. Grievances submitted at the taluka and district levels are first resolved by the authorities at the respective levels and, thereafter, all pending grievances are reviewed by the Chief Minister himself. An applicant under SWAGAT is given a unique ID through which he/she can access the case details and status online.The review at the highest level is done based on the problems solved and not on the number of petitions disposed
Complaints are divided in three categories
Policy Matters-wherea lirnitationorgap in the policy requires attention,
Long Pending -where the case has remained unresolved for atleast 6 months after initial application.
FirstTimer - cases are first referred to the concerned subordinate office for attention.The focus in SWAGAT is primarily on the long pending issues.
SWAGAT program up to the village level, named as GRAM SWAGAT, was launched on 1st February 2011. SWAGAT Online program going rural has helped the rural people living even in the remotest corner of the state toget their problemssolved quickly.
Following impacts have been noticed of the SWAGAT initiative:
Public accountabilrty has been strengthened.
Systemic changes brought about as many decisions lead to policy reform.
Citizen satisfaction increased as grievances were attended at the highestlevel.
Hon'ble Chief Minister interacts personally; so there is greater attention towards resolving cases successfully.
Monitoring system focuses attention on unresolved cases.
Transparency is brought about as all stakeholders are present during the interaction with Chief Minister.
Inputs from all - citizens, officers and elected representatives- leads to fair decisions.
The authorities become aware of the nature of problems at local level and of practical issues of local administration
Focus on outcomes has driven the system to ensure positive results.
Systemised process ensures. administration is well organised. Activates local level administration by requiring local level grievance to be resolved to the extent possible before they escalate to state level.